Automtotive Sales Training
Automotive sales training is the one thing that we all think we have enough of until we get more. That's right no matter how good you are today, you can always become better. And once we do get a little bit better or learn a new technique it is normally pretty easy to reflect back on the deals that we have worked in the not so distant past and think, "Wow, If I had only known this last week when I was with "Mr. & Mrs __________, I probably would have sold them a car.
This is why this column will be dedicated solely to the purpose of examining different aspects and situations that occur during the process of a car deal. Each month we will look either at a new method for contending with the obstacles that we all face in the day to day process or we will brush up on old techniques regarding the automotive sales process.
I am sure every automotive salesperson reading this article has encountered the customer that came to their dealership looking for a certain vehicle, requiring specific "must have" options yet was strapped by a budget that was several hundred dollars a month away from anything that could be considered reasonable, at least considering the demands the customer is making. And after our best attempt to find them the vehicle that meets all of their requirements, in the hope that they will adjust their thinking when it comes down to their less than reasonable budget, we find that they are not flexible at all. That's right, they want a brand new, seven passenger, leather appointed, suv for $300 a month. And if we can't get it for them then they are just going to shop until they find someone who can. Or so they say. But what they will really shop for is someone who can sell them on the idea of buying something that fits their needs just as well as what they are requesting but is more in line with their budget - possibly a previously owned suv or maybe even a minivan.
That's right; they are going to buy from the first salesperson that is capable of realigning their thinking. By realigning their thinking I mean they need to be "switched". Many salespeople I witness think this means that they should go back to their customer and ask, "Hey, what about a used one?" or "What about a minivan instead of an suv?" If you have been in the business for more than a day you know that the customer normally responds by saying "No" to these two questions 1 year software update online for Autel Maxisys Elite. Asking your customer to buy something other than what they initially asked for is at best, a feeble attempt to switch them and definitely does not exhibit any salesmanship.
At this point you need to lead your customer. You need to become a salesperson. You need to share with them the benefits in order to help them realign their thinking. Below are the steps to take if you are trying to switch your customer.
* Determine which vehicle to switch to first (preferably something that is close to what they are looking for yet more in line with their budget)
* Ask your customer to come with you for a moment (don't ask them if they would like to look at something else)
* Take them to the vehicle that you want to switch them to.
* Then present all of the benefits of the vehicle you are trying to switch them to autel maxicom mk908.
By taking the extra time to actually take your customer out and show them a vehicle that suits their needs (and is in line with their budget) you will increase your chances of selling them. Once you have taken these steps to switch them from one car to another one of three things will happen.
* They will consider the vehicle you have shown them (And hopefully buy it)
* They will reconsider their budget on the vehicle they originally expressed an interest in and hopefully increase their offer enough that you can sell them it.
* They will not consider the option you are giving them and leave without purchasing. (however you will have more to talk about on the follow up phone call)
Sure to many of you this may seem pretty basic. To me it is too. But remember that next time you want to just ask your customer to consider another vehicle rather than taking control and leading your customer to an alternative vehicle for them to purchase.
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